Extreme Wylene Selected as Wild Card Competitor

Her effervescent personality has garnered her the name Extreme Wylene and her colt starting talent secured her a position as a Road to the Horse 2020 Wild Card. Competing at Road to the Horse has been a lifelong dream for Arizona born cowgirl Wylene Davis and in 2020 that dream will become a reality. Davis is the second of three Wild Cards who will compete for the Road to the Horse 2020 Wild Card title at the Kentucky Horse Park on March 19-22, 2020. Wild Cards will compete for a cash prize and a coveted main competitor position at Road to the Horse 2021.

Davis will join fellow Wild Card Cole Cameron, and a third Wild Card who will be released shortly. Road to the Horse 2020 Wild Cards will each start an untouched 6666 Ranch colt, during three days of competition, in true Road to the Horse style. Fans will be able to watch every minute of colt-starting action from these talented first-time Road to the Horse competitors, as they each bring their own unique style of horsemanship to the competition.  

“Competing at Road to the Horse is something I’ve been dreaming about for years. I’m excited to showcase my ability and cowgirl style, developed through a lifetime of preparation and practice” states Wylene Davis. “It’s an honor to be part of this prestigious event.”

Davis grew up in Arizona riding any horse that came through her mother’s boarding facility. She has been a professional horse trainer for over twenty years competing in rodeo circuits, Extreme Cowboy races, and Mustang Heritage Foundation events. Davis has been featured in films such as “Wild Horse, Wild Ride” and NatGeo Wild’s “Mustang Millionaire.” Davis spends her time teaching confidence building and horsemanship clinics, for both horses and riders, using her own unique approach. She has a passion for mentoring and helping others transform their horsemanship skills. Learn more about Davis at www.ExtremeWylene.com.

 “We couldn’t be more excited to welcome Wylene to the Road to the Horse Wild Card competition” stated Western Horseman Publisher Ernie King. “It is our goal to present a collection of unique colt starters to the fans of Road to the Horse. Each Wild Card brings with them their own distinctive style and we can’t wait to watch this talented cowgirl at work in the round pen.”

Road to the Horse 2020 will take place at the Kentucky Horse Park on March 19-22. The Championship competitors for 2020 include Wade Black, Craig Cameron, and Ken McNabb. Tickets are available online at www.RoadtotheHorse.com or by calling 800-514-3849. Learn more about Road to the Horse at www.RoadtotheHorse.com. Follow Road to the Horse on Facebook for the latest information.