Where Are All The Pretty Horses…

Dan James & Swampy

Remember Sunset (aka Swampy)

  • Breeding: March 11. 2009 (Bred by the 6666 Ranch). Gray gelding. Sired by the 6666 Ranch sire Seven from Heaven (by Playgun) and is out of the dam Remember Hanna (by Preferred Pay)
  • Interesting Note: The dam of Swampy, Remember Hanna, is also the dam of Remember Pick. Remember Pick (aka. Joker) was ridden by Sean Patrick in the Road to the Horse 2014 Wildcard competition.
  • Year the colt ran in the AQHA Remuda: Road to the Horse 2012.
  • Performance at Road to the Horse: Selected by Dan James and helped Team Australia (Guy McLean and Dan James) win the 2012 World Championship of Colt Starting. “He really made me work for it! But turned plenty of corners at the right time” Dan James.
  • Accomplishments since Road to the Horse 2012: Swampy has been to places as far as Wisconsin, British Columbia and Massachusetts, where Dan used him in a long-reining, riding and liberty demonstrations. He has performed at all major expositions including Denver Colorado Stock Show and Rodeo, Calgary Stampede and loves returning to Road to the Horse. He had a bad pasture accident in 2015 where he had a cast on his hind leg for six weeks and a further six month recovery.
  • Today, Swampy is like a crazy professor with the amount of training and knowledge he has. Just to mention a few: Piaffe, passage, flying lead changes (at liberty, in long reins and under saddle), a rear, Spanish Walk, a lay down and many more!
  • “When we first purchased Swampy, the suggestion was made that we would put some work into him, and then move him on,” Dan James states. “That is no longer the case. I could not part with him now. It’s just the horse’s ability to try so hard. ‘I’m trying; I’m trying to get there.’ I love that about him. He’s got a big heart. And that horse has got such a big motor, I have no doubt I could go out all day and work cattle and push him hard, and he’d be right there.”
  • (With Swampy) “you’ve got to slow down and let him understand. When he doesn’t understand, he lets you know it. It requires being diligent and aware, to make sure when this guy gets a little hot that you slow down the process so that he understands. He’s one of those horses, you couldn’t take him and make a lot of mistakes and get away with it.”

Rockin Jess (aka. Lexi)

  • Breeding: March 7, 2014. 6666 Ranch bred bay gelding sired by Rockin W (by Dual Rey) out of the dam Six Flo Jessie (by Mr Jess Perry).
  • Half brother, by dam, to Road to the Horse Wildcard Champion Six Flo Buck (aka Maverick).
  • Year the colt ran in the Remuda: Road to the Horse 2017. This colt was not selected by a RTTH competitor in 2017.
  • Lexi was started by Jeff Williams (a past RTTH judge) who also starts colts for the Beggs Ranch, Horseshoe Ranch, and the Muleshoe Ranch. After Lexi had a great foundation under saddle, he was then sent to Lisa Ogden (former WNFR qualifier) for barrel racing training.  Lexi helps out at the ranch brandings, loves treats and will continue barrel horse training until he is able to compete.

Brims San (aka Woodford)

  • Breeding: March 6, 2013. (Bred by the 6666 Ranch). Bay gelding. Sire Boon San (by High Brow Cat) and out of the Dam Brims Fever (by Playboys Buck Fever).
  • Year he ran in the Remuda: 2016. He wasn’t chosen but Dr. Blodgett stated that he was his favorite so Dan took him to train for the DDH Insider Giveaway.
  • Much to my astonishment I won him through the DDH Insider Giveaway at RTTH 2017. I didn’t give much thought to winning that year because I had come to purchase another colt. It was truly one of the most magical moments of my life. He is truly the greatest gift I could ever receive.
  • Dan used him as his pony horse in his training of racehorses at the farm, as his lead horse under saddle when he was working with his liberty team, and he was in several expos and was in the 2016 Versace ad. I have continued the education that Dan started for Woodford by teaching him new tricks and perfecting the ones that he already began. He can sit, lay, kiss, liberty work, bareback and bridleless, and many more. I have also put a barrel and pole pattern on him and have starting hauling and putting him on the clock for barrel racing. He will be seriously competing in late 2018. However we let him be a horse as much as possible.
  • His personality is huge and hilarious! He is very curious and always thinking. He watches everything you do and you can just see him process everything going on around him. I feel like he is inquisitive; if he was a 5 year old child he would be constantly asking the question, “Why.” He looks at you as if he was human and he knows exactly what you are saying. All these attributes make it very easy to train him. His understanding of task you ask him to perform is unthinkable.
  • Woodford is incredibly easy to train due to his ability to understand what you are asking very quickly. Barrel racing will be his main discipline so with that in mind he doesn’t have racehorse speed but he is super quick and agile. He is always aware of were his feet are and what footing he is on making his moves very precise.
  • Woodford is magical bareback and bridleless. The more contact he has with your body the better he is. He responds so well this way. He is just phenomenal bareback! It is my favorite way to ride him as he is just relaxed and so responsive. It seems its his favorite thing too. At one of Dan’s clinics he said, “Sometimes you just need to hang out with your horse”. That is the most important advice to me. It is exactly what Woodford and I do when we ride bareback and bridle less and he is a better horse for it. Another one of his talents that are a major deal is his ability to untie himself. He can untie any knot you can make! He is just always busy with his mouth.
  • I am eternally grateful to Dan James, 6666 Ranch, Road to the Horse and all the sponsors that made Woodford a permanent part of my barn and my heart!!

Four Roan Papa (aka Bourbon)

  • Breeding: April 14, 2013. Gray gelding. Sired by Four Roan Papa (by Continental Fly) out of the dam Natural Mama (by Strait Silver).
  • Year the colt ran in the AQHA Remuda at Road to the Horse: 2016
  • Interesting Note: This colt was selected by Road to the Horse 2016 competitor Clinton Anderson. Half brother, by sire, to High Plains Six, the colt selected by Chris Cox which he rode to the championship title at Road to the Horse 2015.
  • The colt was very willing to please when he competed with Clinton Anderson.
  • History of the horse since Road to the Horse: Has been used consistently on cattle drives, roped on, and seen lots of outside miles.
  • Accomplishments since Road to the Horse: He has gained a lot of confidence and is consistent with his leads. He isn’t afraid to be roped on and is very gentle!
  • Regarding the athlete he is today: He had advanced in that he is more supple, soft, and very sure footed in rocky, rough terrain.

Cats Career (aka #5)

  • Breeding: April 18, 2011. Sired by Waresthecat (by Highbrow Cat) out of the dam Career Model (by Eddie Eighty)
  • This 6666 Ranch bred gelding is a full brother to Career Cat (aka Deuce). A bay gelding James Cooler rode during the 2014 Wildcard Competition.
  • Year the colt ran in the Remuda: Road to the Horse 2014 by Switzerland competitor Antoine Cloux
  • How the colt performed at Road to the Horse: He was a little touchy and determined. He gave me a hard time the second day, to get him to free up his feet. But I felt he made the good changes I was waiting for at the end of the second day. and third day he caught up pretty good. He was still squirmy but was making huge efforts and was able to perform the obstacle course. That’s when a spectator asked me what was his name and I answered ‘five’ because of the number he had on his hip. It was hard to change is name after that!
  • After Road to the Horse 2014, he stayed in the USA for a little bit and got a little injury, so when he flew out to Geneva, Switzerland I turned him loose with a bunch of mares on our farm for a while and started to ride him again a couple of month later. He was so smart and athletic that he made huge progress in a short period of time, especially working cattle and roping. But he was still a little bothered by the scar on his hind leg still, so we turned him out with our mares for about a year. Now he is back to be ridden, he enjoys working cattle and go in the hills and through villages around the farm, even though he still gets scared once in a while. His injury doesn’t seem to bother him now. He got really people friendly, we keep him with a bunch of 10 mares and he feels like the king of the farm!
  • He helps us start colts and take them on the trails for the first time even though sometime he is still more scared than the colts, he always behaves and responds nicely. He is really cowy and it was super easy to work cow and rope on him for the first time. It was like he had done that all is life! He is really improving fast and we hope we can go to the first working cow shows shows soon!
  • When I took him out for the first time we came across a dirt bike racing towards us without slowing down, the driver was dressed up in bright yellow from boots to helmet, Five was super scared but stood, when he was about to pass us, five was down like a cutter facing a cow, he went right and left to take of but stayed with me on the spot, then kept walking like nothing happened. It went so fast and he was so athlethic I thought I can’t wait to put him on a cow more often. My friend, pen wrangler and World’s Greatest Horseman 2016 Clayton Edsall confirmed my feelings when he rode him during clinics here in Switzerland. (See photo right. Eddie and #5 on L, Antoine Cloux on R))

My Stylish Gin (aka Ricky Bobby)

  • Breeding: April 18, 2011. Sired by Mr Playinstylish (by Playin Stylish) out of the dam Heavenly Gin (by Seven from Heaven)
  • Year the colt ran in the AQHA Remuda at Road to the Horse: 2014. Returned for the Road to the Horse 2015 Wildcard Competition with Dan Keen.
  • Breeder: 6666 Ranch
  • Owner: Dan Keen. Currently owned by Amy Morgan.
  • How the colt performed at Road to the Horse: With all the hard work that Ricky Bobby and I put in all that year, I couldn’t have asked for him to have done a better job in the Wildcard competition. This durable 6666 Ranch colt was impressive with his many talents like staying sound and healthy with the many miles on the road, and the extreme amount of confidence at event he went to. At the RTTH, Ricky flew through that super challenging obstacle course that Tootie Bland designed like a champ. There were many obstacles there that most horses would have never completed, but with everything that he was exposed to through the year prior, he nailed every one of them.
  • History of the horse since Road to the Horse: Ricky Bobby is now owned by a client-friend of mine that is an accomplished rider. The first time she rode him she had to have him! He has been with her for a year now and is still the reason she gets up early every day and takes the best care of him. Ricky Bobby and Amy Morgan are the perfect match. Not only is she using him on her ranch but she also competes on him in trail classes and is also taking reining lessons weekly on him as well.
  • Accomplishments since Road to the Horse: Ricky Bobby is one of the toughest colts you could find. Not only is he durable but he can really run. If there was a race at the Road to the Horse there’s no doubt he would have won. If I had to place him in a future discipline at a high level he would have been an exceptional calf or healing horse. If I were still roping, he would have never left my place.
  • Regarding the athlete he is today: Ricky Bobby was second in the Wildcard competition by just a few points and got a big compliment from Chris Cox that said he was the straightest traveling horse in the class.

Southwest Six (#3) & Rockin Performance (#11)

  • Breeding: Southwest Six: April 15, 2012. Sired by Mr Playinstylish out of the dam Cellars Hole (by Mr Jess Perry)
  • Breeding: Rocking Performance: April 21, 2012. Sired by Rockin W out of the dam Best Performance (by Special Effort)
  • Year the colt ran in the AQHA Remuda at Road to the Horse: 2015. These colts was not selected by a competitor but were purchased by a fan.
  • We purchased Southwest Six and Rockin Performance at Road to the Horse 2015. After doing much research into them, they truly have the bloodlines that we are excited about. We have been breeding and raising quarter horses for over 35 years and have owned some terrific individuals. We actually attended Road to the Horse 2015 because we are planning to breed a couple of our mares to stallions that the 6666 Ranch owns and/or stands. We rope on our horses and wanted to get a little more size and speed into our herd. We came to see what these colts were like and we wanted to see what renowned trainers could do with them in such a short period of time. Obviously, we were not disappointed! As we were in the stands watching the AQHA Remuda from the 6666 Ranch, come into the arena, we learned that these colts were for sale and decided to inquire about them. We thought the price was outstanding as getting a colt grown up to a 3 year old and ready to go, is a costly venture and these boys had the bloodlines we were interested in. A big plus is that they are ready to go now and within the year, we should be roping on them.
  • Just as an interesting note about our Gray colt, Rockin Performance – Chris Cox won his third Road to the Horse (2011) World Championship title on a half brother on the dams side (Perfect Performance/Tres) and he won it in 2015, on a half brother on the sires side (Rockin History). I guess you can say that we think Rockin Performance might have a promising career ahead of him!
  • We sent Southwest Six and Rockin Performance, (also known as #3 and #11) back to the 6666 Ranch, then a very good friend and trainer, Nick Pullara, then took them back to Colorado and get them started. Enjoy the video of Southwest Six below.

Royal Wall (aka Sailor)

  • Breeder: 6666 Ranch
  • Breeding: Born 2011. Sired by Royal Fletch, out of the dam Wall Canyon.
  • RTTH Debut: Ran in the Road to the Horse 2014 Remuda. Returned to compete in the Road to the Horse 2015 Wildcard competition. Tara Carter had her eye on Sailor from the start and insisted Trevor pick him!
  • Sailor got his name because everything with him was smooth sailing. Everything for him was so easy, and he rode as smooth as glass!
  • Sailor has a foundation in liberty training but excels under saddle.
  • Sailor is a mirror image of a once-in-a-lifetime horse Trevor had called ‘CK.’
  • Sailor won the Road to the Horse 2015 Wildcard Competition and the Wildcard Fan Favorite!
  • Sailor shows in Ranch Versatility and has qualified for the Ranching Heritage and Ranch Versatility World Finals. He excels in cutting and ranch riding.
  • William Carter has been raised with Sailor. Now, 5 years old, William has claimed Sailor as his own. Sailor found his forever home with the Carters.

“It’s so rewarding to see Sailor take care of William like he does. Sailor is so honest and willing for him. Sailor is trustworthy, regardless of who is riding him and that’s priceless!”  Trevor Carter

Royal Wall (Sailor)

Speedy Cream (aka Speedy)

  • Breeding: May 13, 2011. Sired by Stoli out of the dam Oats N Cream (by Mr Sun O Lena).
  • Interesting note: This gelding is a full brother to Oat Power, the 6666 Ranch colt Trevor Carter selected and rode in the 2014 Road to the Horse Ram Wildcard Competition.
  • Year the colt ran in the AQHA Remuda: Road to the Horse 2014. Selected by Jim Anderson, then went on to help Jim Anderson capture the 2014 World Championship of Colt Starting title.
  • Breeder: 6666 Ranch. Speedy Cream is one of the very rare Grulla (Grullo) colored colts born on the 6666 Ranch.
  • “I chose Speedy Cream (at RTTH 2015) because I knew this colt had great courage and intelligence” Jim Anderson.
  • Speedy Cream remained in training with Jim Anderson and returned to entertain the fans at Road to the Horse 2015. Speedy Cream performed at clinics and demonstrations with Jim Anderson. In 2016, Speedy Cream returned to Tootie Bland where he will be cherished as a personal horse for both pleasure and competition use.

Perfect Performance (aka. Tres)

  • The son of Sixes Pick is out Best Performance, by Special Effort. Special Effort was the only Triple Crown winning two-year-old in the history of the breed. He won the 1981 Kansas Futurity (now Ruidoso), Rainbow Futurity and All American Futurity at Ruidoso Downs.
  • Year the colt ran in the AQHA Remuda at Road to the Horse: 2011. Selected by Chris Cox and was the winning colt at Road to the Horse 2011.
  • Purchased and placed in training with Chris Cox after Road to the Horse 2011, where he remained for several years as a ranch and demonstration horse. Has currently returned and is being used on the 6666 Ranch by Dr Glenn Blodgett.
  • Tres has been used by Chris Cox in multiple demos and clinics and has returned to Road to the Horse on several occasions to perform. Most recently at Road to the Horse 2015, where Tres was ridden by Chris Cox in a demonstration.
  • Tres was ridden by Dr. Glenn Blodgett, where he led the post parade of the 2014 All American Futurity, held on Labor Day at Ruidoso Downs in Ruidoso, New Mexico, is one of American Quarter Horse racing’s most prestigious events. Tens of thousands gathered to watch the event, which offered a $3 million purse, the richest race for 2-year-old horses, regardless of breed, in the world.
Dr. Glenn Blodgett and PERFECT PERFORMANCE (aka. Tres)

Bridles Fever (aka Guthrie)

  • Breeding: March 4, 2011. Sired by Playboys Buck Fever out of the dam Bridles (by Paddys Irish Whiskey)
  • Year the colt ran in the AQHA Remuda at Road to the Horse: 2014. Returned in 2015 for the Wildcard Competition.
  • Guthrie went above and beyond for me at RTTH 2015! He had 2 months off before the competition due to heel pain so we did not do much training leading up to the event.  I was able to re-balance his feet and get him back on track in time for the competition and he tried his heart out for me through every event.  A few hiccups put us in third place overall but I could not be more thrilled with his performance.  I think it was a great start to his career.
  • Guthrie has become my go-to demonstration horse since RTTH and has traveled with me all over the country teaching clinics and performing at expos and other events.  He is such a ham and loves meeting new people and posing for pictures.
  • I decided to take it easy on the competition side of things for now but I do plan on continuing his show career in 2017 in events like ranch riding and reining.  In the meantime, Guthrie has developed some incredible skills that aid us in demos and performances including liberty work, bridleless riding, working with the garrocha, and many other fun tricks.
  • Guthrie is the perfect combination of athleticism, heart, and gentleness. He could carry a young child on a trail ride just as easily as he could perform a reining pattern.  He is one of the most special horses I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with.  I am only now just discovering what this horse can really do and I can’t wait to show the public what a terrific horse he is!

Streakin Cat (aka Mate)

  • Breeding: March 24, 2010 (Bred by the 6666 Ranch). Bay gelding. Sired by Waresthecat out of the dam Natural Streaker (by Streakin Six)
  • Year the colt ran in the AQHA Remuda at Road to the Horse: 2013. Selected by Guy McLean and went on to win the World Championship of Colt Starting title with Guy McLean in 2013.
  • Performance at Road to the Horse: I loved him for what he was when he came in, and I love him for what he is now. I named him ‘My Mates Cat’ and his performance name is ‘Mate’ Mate was a tricky little individual at RTTH, he would often go into his shell and block me out in any way that he could and I had to take every chance available, to layer in information whenever he would poke his head out for a look around. I believed in him the whole way through, but he even surprised me on this third day. He was a superstar. Day Three, he was all ‘Performance’ and gave me a ‘Third Day Ride’ (in the obstacle course) that I will never forget to the day that I die. “Well done Mate”. The big thing for me is that people understand why I do what I do. The first two days, people were saying, ‘Guy you’d better slow down, you’d better do this,’ and I said, ‘Yeah, but that’s not being true to who I am.’ If I went slow for two days, this colt would have come out today, and he would have said, ‘You didn’t teach me this, you didn’t prepare me.’ (Instead), my colt said,’ Is this all we have to do? We can do this every day.’ He believed in me because I prepared him. If I had to take someone to war, I can’t sit him down at a tea table and give him cups of tea. I’ve got to take him and say, ‘We’ve got to go to war, I need you to be ready.’ He was ready. We went to war together and we won.
  • Accomplishments after Road to the Horse: Mate has gone on to be a wonderful liberty horse in my American team and often assumes the lofty position of ‘Laying down under his three performance friends’, and his great partner ‘Aussie’ and he, are just ‘Two Good Ole Boys from Texas’ living the life of ‘Two World Champions’ under the spotlight on the World Stage’. From performing at major events all across America and Canada, to winning the hearts of adults and children alike, ‘Mate’ continues to wow us all with his powerful structure and unique way of looking at life. ‘Once just a little boy in front of eight thousand’, now ‘A grown man in front of the world’. With all the power and grace of his parents before him, Mate has all the ‘Stop and Turn’ of his grand daddy ‘High Brow Cat’ and even some moves of his own. ‘Quiet in the mind, quick in the feet, when it all comes together, it’s pretty darn neat’.

Career Cat (aka Deuce)

  • Breeding: March 25, 2010. Bay Gelding. Sired by Waresthecat (by High Brow Cat) out of the dam Career Model (by Eddie Eighty)
  • Year the colt ran in the AQHA Remuda at Road to the Horse: 2013. Returned for the Road to the Horse 2014 Wildcard Competition with James Cooler.
  • James Cooler – Cooler Horsemanship
  • How the colt performed the year he competed at Road to the Horse: Starting a horse and finishing a horse are two different things. He tried his heart out and taught me so much about what it takes to finish a horse.
  • We have not shown, but have some Stock Horse competitions in the fall, and I’ll be competing in a Horse’s Got Talent competition with him in December.
  •  I’ve never ridden a horse that has more all around athletic talent as a western horse, and I know he still has more to give.

Oat Power (aka Switch)

  • Breeding: May 20, 2010. Sired by Stoli out of the dam Oats N Cream (by Mr Sun O Lena).
  • This gelding is a full brother to Speedy Cream, the 6666 Ranch colt Jim Anderson selected and rode to the Road to the Horse 2014 World Championship title.
  • Year the colt ran in the AQHA Remuda at Road to the Horse: 2013. Oat Power returned to Road to the Horse 2014 for the Wildcard Competition with Trevor Carter.
  • Quote regarding how the colt performed the year he competed with the horse at Road to the Horse: He really gave it his all. He is a stout horse and really put a lot of try out there.
  • He has been helping students learn how to rope and some of them branded for their first time with his help in May, 2016.
  • Oat Power was recently sold to a friend down the road in Texas.  He trail rides in the mountains and we (Carter Ranch Horses) can use him whenever we need him.

Six Flo Buck (aka Maverick)

  • Breeding: February 28, 2010 Bay gelding. Sired by Playboys Buck Fever out of the dam Six Flo Jessie (by My Jess Perry)
  • Year the colt ran in the AQHA Remuda at Road to the Horse: 2013. Selected by Jim Anderson, returned at Road to the Horse 2014 to win the 2014 Ram Wildcard Competition. Jim Anderson continued on to win the Road to the Horse 2015 World Championship of Colt Starting.
  • Six Flo Buck stole the hearts of every Road to the Horse Fan in 2014. Not only did Six Flo Buck carry Jim Anderson to the very first Road to the Horse Wildcard Championship, we witnessed a Cinderella story unfold when Jim Anderson claimed the Road to the Horse 2014 World Championship of Colt Starting title. Six Flo Buck made dreams come true.
  • 2013 Cowboy Up Novice Horse Champion at Calgary Stampede plus several Reining Championships. Used at clinics and demonstrations.

Remember Pick (aka Joker)

  • Breeding: April 15, 2010 Sorrel gelding. Sired by Sixes Pick out of the dam Remember Hanna (by Preferred Pay).
  • The dam of Joker, Remember Hanna, is also the dam of Swampy. Remember Sunset (aka. Swampy) helped secure victory for Team Australia at Road to the Horse 2012 with Dan James.
  • Year the colt ran in the AQHA Remuda at Road to the Horse: 2013. Selected by Sean Patrick and went to Pioneer Trail Reserve in New Smyrna Beach, Florida for
    one year, returning to compete in the Wildcard Competition in 2014.
  • From the moment I chose Joker to be my Wildcard horse, I knew I had the coolest project of my life! He was an incredible athlete and had an edge to him I rarely saw in typical mounts I started. The challenge of returning to show how far he came in a year kept us on point as we hauled to many farms and schooling shows to show Joker the world away from the range he was raised on. A mixture of foundation lessons, obstacle training, reining maneuvers, roping practice and so forth was our plan and he excelled at all of these. It was a super fun year with him by my side. When we returned to Lexington, it was incredible talking with the other Wildcard contestants about all their similar journeys. Joker held his own, but placed below the well-deserved champion Maverick.
  • We call Joker the “Family Bulldozer.” He is a steady, solid horse with a very sweet side. He loves people and is ideal for teaching clinics and lessons with. He is nearly perfect with any obstacle, can still stop and spin, and practices a lot of dressage patterns. I know he is a work/rope horse at heart and want to give him a chance to team rope more soon. Being so broke, and strong, he is ideal for his current job. He’s an easy keeper, so we have to ride him daily and make sure he has more trips to the salad bar than the dessert table.
Sean Patrick & Joker

Bucks Attraction (aka Bojangles)

  • Breeding: March 19, 2009. 6666 Ranch bred palomino gelding sired by Playboys Buck Fever (by Freckles Playboy) out of the dam Cowboy Attraction (by Mr Jess Perry).
  • Interesting Note: Half brother, by sire, to Road to the Horse graduates Bridles Fever (aka Guthrie) and Six Flo Buck (aka Maverick).
  • Year the colt ran in the Remuda: Road to the Horse 2012. Selected by Pat Parelli to represent Team USA.
  • Peters Family in Greenville, OH.
  • He was the high scoring individual horse started by Pat Parelli the year that Team Australia won in 2012.
  • He is a very big good-looking Palomino whose job is a kids horse, looking after our son. He is the teacher for my six-year-old son Colby Peters.

Doctor T Tari (aka Popcorn)

  • Doctor T Tari (Breeder: Cornelius Ranch)- Docs T Peppy and out of Ms Tari Babe. The horse was raised on the Cornelius Ranch, in Blountsville, AL.
  •  Year the colt ran in the AQHA Remuda at RTTH: 2006
  • He won! He is a strong willed horse that chose to look to me for leadership during the event.
  • The Sunday before I competed in the Road to the Horse I attended church. They knew I was headed to compete and as I left the church a lady stopped me and asked if she could pray for my horse. I told her that I didn’t know what horse I would have and she replied, “Honey, you don’t but God does.” Popcorn was my pick of the Remuda and thankfully he was available when it was my time to choose. Popcorn was the first horse to be purchased by a clinician during Road to the Horse. I have owned Popcorn now for ten years and he will stay with me for his lifetime.
  • Popcorn earned his ROM in reining in the AQHA. He competed successfully in mounted shooting winning several belt buckles and moving me from a Level 1 shooter to a Level 4 shooter. He has been made into a Breyer Horse model and has been featured in many magazines. Popcorn has traveled from coast to coast and into Canada. Most recently Popcorn tried on his first dressage saddle (three times) and was shown scoring a 70.681 his first time out.
  • Popcorn is my go to horse. I use him for ponying other horses, showing, trail riding and goofing around. He has taught kids to ride and adults to do lead changes. He entertains me with his antics whether that is rolling in mud (I challenge you to find a horse who gets more completely covered) or swimming (he goes swimming on his own in the pond). He is just a great guy to have around…which is good because I plan on keeping him forever.
Stacy Westfall & Popcorn


  • Year the colt ran in the AQHA Remuda at RTTH: 2014 (Selected by Dan Steers)
  • FOUR SIX WARE (2011 gelding – WARESTHECAT X FOUR SIX GAL) is now a valued addition to Michael Ann Ewing Racing, ponying racehorses. He matured into such a handsome gelding!
  • Photo: Kylie Wellington
Dan Steers at Road to the Horse 2014