Craig Moore Completes Road to the Horse 2020 Wild Card Lineup

The Road to the Horse Wild Card Challenge was created to highlight up and coming colt starters who may not otherwise have a platform to showcase their skills. Without marketing teams or television shows but with an abundance of sweat equity, the Road to the Horse 2020 Wild Card lineup features individuals who are dedicated to be the very best they can be. With Wild Cards Wylene Davis and Cole Cameron previously announced, Road to the Horse is pleased to introduce Craig Moore as the final Wild Card competitor for Road to the Horse 2020, which will be held on March 19-22 at the Kentucky Horse Park. 

“I am extremely humbled and excited to be a Road to the Horse 2020 Wild Card competitor. This is an opportunity that I have been praying about” states Moore. “When I got the phone call that I was being offered the position, it was a bit surreal to say the least! It’s an honor to be part of this amazing event.”

Road to the Horse was proud to partner with the Extreme Mustang Makeover to offer a Wild Card position at Road to the Horse 2020 to one 2019 Extreme Mustang Makeover competitor. Selected from a list of competitors provided by the Mustang Heritage Foundation, Craig Moore captured the Florida Extreme Mustang Makeover Championship in the Adult Division, riding his mustang Hay There Delilah.

“The Mustang Heritage Foundation couldn’t be more excited to have our own Extreme Mustang Makeover trainer Craig Moore recognized for his talent and ability in being chosen as the third Wild Card for the 2020 Road to the Horse competition. It’s a true honor for the Mustang family to be included and represented in such a prestigious event!” states Mustang Heritage Foundation’s Director of Operations Randi Blasienz.

Craig Moore was introduced to horses at a young age when his mother, who was a beautician, traded riding lessons for manicures. From that moment, it was evident that horses would be a huge part of his life. Moore’s parents soon purchased Craig’s first horse; a 23-year-old grade gelding named Flash. Flash was just the beginning and riding quickly turned to participation in high school and college rodeo events. After working for many years as a paramedic and training horses part time, Craig recently moved to Texas to pursue his dreams of training horses full time, alongside girlfriend Katie Ketterhagen. The couple now resides in May, Texas, where they teach horsemanship lessons and compete with their American mustangs.

“We’re on a mission to take untapped talent to center stage” states Western Horseman Publisher Ernie King. “With three master colt starters in our main competitor line up, and three very unique and talented Wild Cards, Road to the Horse 2020 is shaping up to be one of the best yet!”

Road to the Horse 2020 Wild Cards will each start an untouched 6666 Ranch colt, during three days of competition, in true Road to the Horse style. Fans will be able to watch every minute of colt-starting action from these talented first-time Road to the Horse competitors, as they each bring their own unique style of horsemanship to the competition.  

Road to the Horse 2020 will take place at the Kentucky Horse Park on March 19-22. The Championship competitors for 2020 include Wade Black, Craig Cameron, and Ken McNabb. Tickets are available online at or by calling 800-514-3849. Learn more about Road to the Horse at Follow Road to the Horse on Facebook for the latest information.