Join the Roadies and Purchase your Road to the Horse 2022 Tickets Early

Call us horse lovers, horse crazies, groupies or Roadies. Whatever you call us, we’re the horse obsessed, barn crazed, fun-loving devoted Road to the Horse fan that wants the Road to the Horse inside scoop, mixed with a little VIP treatment!

Join as a Road to the Horse and be the first to purchase your Road to the Horse 2022 tickets! Road to the Horse 2022 tickets are on sale now to Roadies and are released to the public on June 1.

Roadie benefits include:

Road to the Horse Merchandise Discount
Roadies receive a 10% discount when they shop at and at the Road to the Horse booth at the event.

Early Bird Notices
Be the first to know the latest news before anyone else! Roadies receive email updates of the latest breaking news and information before it is released to the general public.

Special Event Tickets
Roadies are the first to be notified on the availability of Road to the Horse special event tickets. Be the first to know about Road to the Horse events and opportunities that are held in addition to the main event schedule.

Early Roadie Entry
Enter the event early to get first in line at the RTTH Booth, and at Friday’s Meet & Greet.

FREE Commemorative Roadie Button & Sticker*
Collect a new button each year to create your own Road to the Horse collection. Wear your commemorative button at the event to connect with other Roadies. You’ll pick up your Roadie button and sticker at the event.

FREE Custom Roadie Tote Bag*
Collect your FREE Road to the Horse custom tote at the event, it’s the perfect tote to pack your Roadie goodies and shopping!

Western Horseman Booth Discount
Roadies will receive a 10% discount at the Western Horseman booth at the event.

Legacy Purchasing Period
Found your favorite ‘spot’ at Road to the Horse? Then make it your Legacy. Legacy Seats are yours forever as long as you continue to purchase tickets to Road to the Horse. Once you choose your seats, you’ll receive a notice each year that it’s time to buy your tickets and those seats are already reserved in your name during a special Legacy Purchasing Period.
*Please note this benefit does not apply to the 2021 Texas event